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Understanding Bible Prophecy

Bible Prophecy Articles / Links

January 26, 2010

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge ..." (Hosea 4:6 KJV)

The Heavenly Throne of Almighty God  Jesus Christ, the Messiah of God, the Lion of Judah and the Lamb of God

How to be Freely Saved and Become a Christian in Jesus Christ

Statement of Faith: Thou Art Jesus Christ, Unique Son of God

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Bible Prophecy Study Links

The Bible and Prophecy Tour - Tribulation.Com Bible and Prophecy Documents in Chronological Order

The Imminent Return of Jesus Christ - Tribulation.Com Discusses the Biblical Doctrine of Imminency

Jacob's Trouble - Tribulation.Com Discusses the Tribulation Period of Israel and the World

Which Jesus? - Tribulation.Com Discusses the Biblical Portrait of Jesus Christ

The Antichrist Beast of Revelation 13 - Tribulation.Com Site Discusses the Future Babylon

Armageddon in Prophecy - Tribulation.Com Site Discusses the Day of Vengeance at Petra in Jordan

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream - Tribulation.Com Site Discusses the Seventy Weeks of Daniel Chapter 2

The New Jerusalem of Revelation - Tribulation.Com Site on the Arrival of the New Jerusalem City

God's Grace and the Ten Commandments - How Does the Christian Relate to the Mount Sinai Covenant?

The Rapture in Bible Prophecy - The Biblical Basis for the Imminent Rapture of the Christian Church

The Russian Bear in Bible Prophecy - The Destruction of the Russian Army in Israel in Ezekiel 38-39

The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 - Two Prophets who Prophesy to the Earth during the Tribulation

The Woman, The Red Dragon and The Man Child of Revelation 12 - Israel, the Serpent and Jesus Christ

Why Study Bible Prophecy? - What about Armageddon, the Rapture of the Church and the Second Coming of Christ?

Iraq, World Events and Armageddon - What are the Real "Signs of the Times"?  Fully-Hyperlinked Article Explains

Babylon in Bible Prophecy is Not Iraq - Dr. George W. Westlake, Jr. on the True Babylon of Revelation

Harpazo.Net - An Excellent site for the Study of the Pre-Tribulational Rapture, God's Grace, Forum, News, Links and more!

The Importance of Bible Prophecy - Excellent Article on the Holy Bible and Today's Headline News

Hal Lindsey Oracle - Hal Lindsey's Weekly Bible Prophecy News Show Official Website

Deception in the Church - A Great Webpage with Information on Doctrine and a "Unity" that Compromises the Gospel

The Amazing Witness of Bible Prophecy - Excellent Article on the Historical Accuracy of Prophecy

Jack Van Impe Ministries Prophecy Chart - Overview of Major Future Events from JVI Web Site

What Can We Know About the End Times? - Mart De Haan's "Day of Discovery" Excellent End-Time Prophecy Page!

John Hagee Ministries - Prophetic Signposts - Israel is the Amazing "Key" to End-Time Prophecy Fulfillment

Questions and Answers Regarding Bible Prophecy - Dave Breese of The King is Coming Prophecy Show Comments

Koinonia House - Monitor the Strategic Trends - Chuck Missler presents More Evidence of "The Signs of the Times"

Prophecy Central - Overview of Prophecy - A Great Pre-Tribulational Prophecy Site with Text-Embedded Hyperlinks

The Basics of Bible Prophecy - Lessons Learned from End-Times Bible Prophecy by Clay Watts

The Berean Call - Sign up for Dave Hunt's FREE Newsletter and Download Dave's Articles

Studying Bible Prophecy - Several Excellent Articles on Bible Prophecy / Eschatological Studies

Key Articles on Bible Prophecy - Lamb and Lion Ministries has Several Excellent Articles on Bible Prophecy

Koinonia House - Blue Letter Bible - Powerful Bible Search Engine with Cross-Referencing and Graphics

Armageddon Books - An Internet Bible Prophecy Bookstore Featuring the Latest Eschatological Books, Videos and Charts!

Rapture of the Church / Second Coming of Christ Links

The Rapture in Bible Prophecy - The Biblical Basis for the Imminent Rapture of the Christian Church

16 Proofs for the Pre-Tribulational Rapture - Pre-Tribulational Thesis of Cornerstone Church of Garden City, Kansas

The Rapture - Biblical Proof - Sgt. John Pierce Presents Biblical Proof of the Rapture Event

The Imminent Return of Christ and the Pre-Wrath Rapture - Southern View Chapel's Pre-Tribulational Argument

Prophetic Signs of the Second Coming - Grant R. Jeffrey takes a look at the Imminent Return of Jesus Christ

In Case of Disappearance... - Harpazo Net on the Pre-Tribulational Rapture  - Where'd Everybody Go?

Pre-Tribulation or Pre-Wrath? - Harpazo Net Article by Ron Graff on the Pre-Tribulational Rapture

Things to Come - Calvary Chapel Articles on the Pre-Trib Rapture, Antichrist, Great Tribulation, Second Coming

LeftBehind.Com - The Official Site for the Left Behind series by Dr. Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins

TribForceHQ.Com - Tribulation Force Headquarters - Lotsa Articles, Links, Message Boards, Products, etc.  Cool!

The Pre-Tribulational Rapture of the Church - Examine the Scriptural Evidence for the Pre-Tribulational Rapture

Are We Nearing the End Times? - The Signs of the Second Coming of Christ are Rapidly Being Fulfilled

Look Up! The Rapture of the Church - Harpazo Net Article on the Pre-Tribulational Rapture of the Church

AOG: The Rapture of the Church - Official Paper from the Assemblies of God on the Rapture of the Church

The Rapture versus the Second Coming - The Difference according to Cornerstone Church of Garden City, Kansas

Why the Tribulation Excludes the Church - Dr. Thomas Ice on the Absence of the Church in the Tribulation 

The Imminent Return of Jesus Christ - Dr. Thomas Ice on Imminence and Pre-Tribulationalism

The Pre-Trib Rapture Doctrine - Dr. Thomas Ice Presents Several Pre-Trib Arguments

No Thief Gives Warning Signs - Dr. Jay Snell on Why Children of the Light are not Overtaken

The Rapture and the Second Coming - Dr. Thomas Ice Explains this Important Distinction

The Holy Spirit and the Pre-Tribulational Rapture - Dr. Thomas Ice Examines the Pre-Trib Rapture

The Rapture and the Second Coming - Signs - Dr. Thomas Ice Explains Four Approaches to Prophecy

A Prophetic View of Christ's Second Coming - Biblical Article Concerning the Rapture and the Second Coming

Daniel's 70th Week / Tribulation Period / Armageddon Links

The Antichrist Beast of Revelation 13 - Tribulation.Com Site Discusses the Future Babylon

Armageddon in Prophecy - Tribulation.Com Site Discusses the Day of Vengeance at Petra in Jordan

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream - Tribulation.Com Site Discusses the Seventy Weeks of Daniel Chapter 2

The Interval between the Rapture and Second Coming - Dr. Thomas Ice Elaborates on the Necessity

The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 - Two Prophets who Prophesy to the Earth during the Tribulation

The Apocalyptic Prophecies of Daniel and The Revelation - A Fantastic Site for Studying Daniel and Revelation!

Babylon in Bible Prophecy is Not Iraq - Dr. George W. Westlake, Jr. on the True Babylon of Revelation

The Tribulation Period - The Seven Years according to Cornerstone Church of Garden City, Kansas

The Distinction between Israel and the Church - Dr. Thomas Ice Differentiates between the Church and Israel

Order of End Time Messianic Events Part 1 - View the Pre-Millennial, Dispensational, Pre-Tribulational Viewpoint!

Order of End Time Messianic Events Part 2 - More Prophecy from our Jewish Brothers - Don't Miss These Sites!

What Can We Know about the Antichrist? - RBC Ministries discusses the End-Times Ruler

The Messiah - Harpazo Net Article on The Root and Offspring of David and The Bright and Morning Star

Profile of the Antichrist - Harpazo Net Article on the Coming World Ruler and his Biblical Names

The Coming Antichrist - The Profile of the Coming World Ruler according to Cornerstone Church of Garden City, Kansas

The Staged Appearance of the Antichrist - How the Future Ruler of Revelation 13 Arrives on the Scene

A Summary of End-Times Events - Article on the Events between Israel's Rebirth and the End of the Millennium

Gog / Magog War of Ezekiel 38-39

The Russian Bear in Bible Prophecy - Tribulation.Com Site Discusses The Invasion / Destruction in Ezekiel 38-39

Russia's Day of Destruction in Israel - Grant R. Jeffrey takes a look at the God-Magog War of Ezekiel 38-39

The Gog and Magog War - Excellent Pre-Trib Perspective on the God-Magog War of Ezekiel 38-39

Jack Van Impe Middle East Invasion Chart - Overview of Coming Russian-Arabian Invasion of Israel from JVI

Israel's Rebirth / Struggle for Freedom

Aish HaTorah - Window on the Wall - Live Shots of the Western Wall in Jerusalem - Updated Every 60 Seconds!!!

The Temple Mount Faithful Movement - Israeli Gershon Salomon's Group for Rebuilding God's Temple in Jerusalem

International Christian Embassy Jerusalem - Fact-filled Articles Covering the Issues Confronting Israel Today

The Temple Mount In Jerusalem - Scientific and Archaeological Research of the First and Second Jewish Temples

The Arab - Israeli Wars - Israel Defense Forces - The Various Campaigns to Protect Israel's Sovereignty

Update on the State of Israel - Dave Hunt of the Berean Call reviews Israel's Political Problems

The Nation of Israel in Prophecy - Excellent Article on the Prophetic Restoration / Preservation of Israel

Today's Israel in Prophecy - Zola Levitt on the Prophetic Restoration of Israel

Israel: God's Timepiece - Harpazo Net on the Fulfilled Prophetic Restoration of Israel

Israel - History from 1700 B.C. to Present - Following this Unique Nation through the Ages

The State of Israel - 1948 to Present - National Survival in a Land the size of New Jersey

Israel Defense Forces - The Military Defense Services for the Nation of Israel

Zola Levitt Ministries - An Evangelical Jewish Christian Invites Others to Meet "Yeshua"

Webmaster: Although I don't necessarily agree with every teaching found on the above sites, I have examined each
 of the immediate links and found them to be substantially sound Scripturally and well-written.  I try to monitor the 
sites but cannot be responsible for all of their content.  Also, some links may lead away to other teachings that 
are Biblically unsound, so check your Bible daily!!! (Acts 17:10-12)

MIDI Music: "I Will Call Upon the Lord"